What an Easter! Thank you to everyone who invited someone, brought someone, or came Sunday. We saw 25 people be baptized. As one member said, it was the best Easter service he's been to in 59 years, and he's 59! Each testimony was amazing. Each story touches lives. So does yours! Share your gospel story with those in your life and see them changed for all eternity!
It's the last week to register for Secret Church. As Adam Van, our Children's Pastor, says, "I would highly suggest this event for anyone that is looking for something unlike anything they have ever done before that will help to grow their faith in a big way." Click here to register. We hope to see you there!

Though it doesn't feel like it, warm weather is coming! We are planning an outdoor neighborhood party each month from April to October. Our first party will be at the Emerald Trace neighborhood off of Old Antonia Rd. We are looking for people to partner with us in prayer walking, handing out invites, registering folks, cooking, helping with kids, and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ! Help us to be not a church that gathers on Sunday, but that goes and does the work of Jesus! How will you help? Contact luke@ecstl.org for more information or to start volunteering!
Keep praying for the Bharadi of India. For them and the neighborhoods we will be going to this Spring and Summer, pray for;
open hearts to hear the gospel
open hands to help with the work
open homes so our volunteers are invited in
open heavens that God would bring salvation to the lost.

Have a great week and I'll see you Sunday!