Children's Ministry
Sunday Mornings
Every Sunday children ages birth to 5th grade are taught the Bible in a creative and relevant way. We take kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. From praying over our infants to age-appropriate lessons for toddlers, preschoolers and elementary kids, eKids is kid-inspired with energetic worship music, interactive games , small groups, and super fun environments! Kids discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. It is Jesus, not good behavior, that changes everything.
Encounter TOTS:
Birth - 5 Years. Encounter TOTS learn best by doing! Lessons are centered around the Word of God in an interactive way! Through relationship building, our team is dedicated to reinforce biblical truths through exploration and play in a safe and loving environment.
Encounter KIDS:
Kinders - 5th Grade. Encounter KIDS learn big truths each week that are rooted in scripture. Lessons guide them through the Bible, Old and New Testament, and are reinforced through a variety of activities. Our team is dedicated to love and serve our KIDS as they train them to be mighty warriors for Jesus!
Special Forces:
Special Forces is our special needs ministry team. We provide a safe Sensory Room with multiple techniques and options to create a calm environment. Using a buddy system, our team is here to welcome, love on, and learn about Jesus with your child!
Wednesday Midweek
Bible Adventure Club, our Wednesday evening gathering for kids in K-5th grade, is a club that strives to get kids into God's Word regularly. We learn and memorize His Word through activities, songs, mid-week booklets and games! We learn and grow by "solving" some of the Bible’s most popular and unpopular stories and applying that to our lives in a practical way.
For the younger ones, babies to preschoolers, we provide childcare on Wednesday evenings while parents attend eGroups.
First Time Guests
We suggest arriving 20 minutes prior to the service starting time to check your child in.​ Our check-in desk is inside the front doors to your right. One of our leaders will walk you through the check-in process and lead you to your child’s age appropriate room.