This month, we are providing some fantastic opportunities for family! The family is the building block on which a civilization rests. When your family rests on Christ, there is nothing stronger in the world. As we studied this past week in Phil. 2, "Do nothing from selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility count others more significant that yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interest, but also to the interests of others. When our families capture that, WOW, is the Holy Spirit present and working. I know that is my heartfelt prayer for my family and yours!
At Encounter, we want to help foster this mind set. It all starts with the parents! If you place each other before all others and submit to Christ, you will set and example and bring blessings that will be pass down through generations of your family. With this is mind, we are providing Parents' Night Out this Saturday. Take an evening away from the kids and just focus on each other! We will provide childcare at Encounter Church from 6:30 to 9:30. You must register in advance! This is the only way we can make sure we have enough supervision. Click here to register.
We have also begun signups for Encounter Camp! This is a life changing experience for so many students and adults. If you are interested in being an adult leader, please contact The Early Bird special of $49 dollars off is available through the end of the month. Click here to register.
Family Weekend kicks off on 4/27 with a Unite Students event. The cost is $5 and it runs from 7pm-12pm. Registration will be at the event. Contact for additional details.
We continue Family Weekend by providing an opportunity for your family to help spread the gospel! This month is our first Neighborhood Blitz of 2018! It will be hosted on 4/28 by Michael and Kelly Pippin at 2121 Emerald Tce, Imperial, MO 63052. Prayer walk the subdivision, come build relationships, or help share the gospel. These events are hosted in neighborhoods for the purpose of introducing the lost to Christ. Contact for more info. We prayer walk Thursday mornings @ 9:00 AM if you want to join us!
We cap the festivities with a Family Day at Encounter Church. We'll begin the day with breakfast during service and end with a movie night. We will be watching Ferdinand. Invite everyone you know to a great time of fellowship!
We are so excited to partner with your family, whether your kids are grown or you are just getting to know your future spouse. We pray that God's glory is reflected by your family so all can come to know Jesus!